Exhibit D


Material specified by the American Institute of Physics for removal from the Disciplined Minds website


Schmidt shall remove the following material currently on the http://disciplinedminds.com web page, or any other web page arranged, conducted, or assisted by Schmidt, all associated hyperlinks, and the destinations of those hyperlinks, including but not limited to web pages, audio and video:


1.  Press release titled, “Hundreds of physicists and other scholars demand reinstatement of physicist fired for writing book,” along with appeal letter by physicists Talat Rahman, George F. Reiter, and Michael A. Lee, dated 14 January 2002.  Also text:


Press release”.


2.  Letter to American Institute of Physics from 500+ physicists asking AIP to reinstate Jeff Schmidt and listing the names and affiliations of the signers.  Dated 10 January 2002.  Also text: “Protest letter from 541 physicists and others”.


3.  Letter to AIP from about 150 non-scientists, solicited by Noam Chomsky, asking AIP to reinstate Schmidt and listing the names and affiliations of the signers.  Dated 23 October 2003.  Text: “Renowned linguist Noam Chomsky and 146 scholars and others protest firing”.


4.  All individually written letters (whether or not the names of the authors are listed below), to AIP protesting the firing of Schmidt, dated 2000 to 2005, along with the text:


Physicists and others blast Physics Today.  Read 85 of their letters...


Charles Gregg-Geist

Eric Herring

Guillaume Belanger

James Owens

Paul Bryant

Marlowe Hood

Terry Goldman

Simon Moss

John McClelland

Walter Borst

Robert Mayo

Dan Bolef

Sherman Frankel

Hilliard Macomber

David Waller

Sonya Bahar

Frederick Dolan

Eric Altshuler

Margaret Dobbins

Peter Drummond

Alan Sobel

Vikram Vyas

Richard Magat

Bertram Stiller

Thomas Gilbert

Surendra Gadekar

Friedemann Freund

Steven Mandell

Wayne Saslow

Steven Ross

David Markowitz

Hansen Shih

Guy Robinson

Nick Rivier

Gian Luca Lippi

Igor Alexeff

Doug Allan

Jonathan Allen

M. P. Anantram

Vijay Arora

Anne Miller-Bagwell

Philip Best

Vlado Bevc

T. S. Bhatia

Ben Brabson

James Brasseur

Mikhael Brown

Milan Cirkovic

Ralph Colby

Stephen Davis

Philip Vos Fellman

Richard Firestone

Sean Freeman

Sanjay Gupta

Peter Halevi

Douglas Jackson

David Johnson

Roy Johnston

Jonathan Katz

Kirill Kazakov

Tom Killian

Kajoli Krishnan

Hermann Kurthen

Roderic Lakes

Kristina Lerman

Amand Lucas

Wayne Lundberg

David Maker

Al McInturff

Bill Moran

Normand Mousseau

Thomas Nagy

Marshall Nathan

Peter Noerdlinger

Subra Pendyala

Louis Proyect

M. V. Ramana

Denis Rancourt

Klaus Rieckhoff

Berol Robinson

Bruce Rosenblum

David Talaga

Niekiletta Woullard

Herbert Zeman

Ellen Zweibel

Denis Cioffi”


5. Letter to AIP from 16 former Physics Today staff members asking AIP to reinstate Schmidt, dated 21 June 2000.


6.  Statement titled, “Background info about Jeff Schmidt and Disciplined Minds,” by former Physics Today staff members Chris Mohr and Marlowe Hood.  Also text: “Former Physics Today staffers give background”.


7.  Letter to AIP from a group of nine physics education researchers asking AIP to reinstate Schmidt and listing the names and affiliations of the signers, dated 20 August 2003.


8.  Letter to AIP from a majority of the physics academic staff at the University of Ottawa, Canada, protesting Schmidt’s firing and listing the names and positions of the 28 signers, dated 23 March 2002.


9.  Response to AIP’s statement of 31 August 2001, by physicists Talat Rahman, George F. Reiter, Michael A. Lee, and Denis G. Rancourt, titled, “Protests force Physics Today to reveal its unsound case,” dated 14 January 2002.


10.  Statement by Schmidt about his unemployment benefits hearing and his work for equal employment opportunity at Physics Today, titled, “State Rejects Physics Today’s Charge of Employee Misconduct,” dated 27 July 2000.


11.  Plea for political support for Schmidt, encouraging readers to add their names to letters asking AIP to reinstate Schmidt.  Dated August 2005.  Any similar plea or text soliciting criticism and/or protests of AIP.


12.  Lawsuit against AIP filed by pro-bono lawyers in United States District Court for Maryland, Southern Division, titled, “Plaintiff’s first amended and consolidated complaint,” case number 04-cv-3774, dated 10 December 2004.


13.  Text on www.DisciplinedMinds.com home page stating: “Physics Today fires author for writing Disciplined Minds...”.


14.  Segment of “About the Author” on www.DisciplinedMinds.com home page stating: “until he was fired for writing this provocative book.”  Any statement


15.  Interview in .pdf form from The Biological Physicist in which Schmidt discusses termination.  Any statement concerning Schmidt’s termination from employment with AIP.

Subject to arbitration proceeding


16.  “Readers Comment” section of home page.  Also the following text:


“Readers write...
Three degrees in English, organizer Michelle Squitieri
Redacted but remain posted
Medical doctor Susan Rosenthal
and graduate student Roberto Jankowski-Alfonso
Redacted but remain posted
Matt L.
Redacted but remain posted

17.  8 press releases regarding termination (in addition to Item #10 above).


18.  Statement of Marc Brodsky.


19.  Italian translation of “Carta” interview (insofar as it discusses Schmidt firing).


20.  Link to Italian radio audio clip (insofar as it discusses Schmidt firing).


21.  Any correspondence to, from, amongst and between any former or present AIP personnel.


22.  The following text:


Physics Today fires author for writing Disciplined Minds...


More than 750 scientists and others protest firing.  Noam Chomsky helps solicit signatures.


Scientists’ human rights committee issues public report


Physics education researchers condemn firing

American Association of Physics Teachers session attendees protest firing


Majority of physics academic staff at University of Ottawa condemn firing


Sixteen former Physics Today staff members protest firing


Pro-bono lawyers take legal action


Update and plea for help
Protests force Physics Today to reveal its unsound case...
* CEO Marc Brodsky issues statement
* Physicists reject Brodsky’s arguments
Press release from the book’s publisher
Lingua Franca magazine report
Chronicle of Higher Education report
Physics World report
State rejects Physics Today’s charge of employee misconduct
National Writers Union protests firing
Albert Einstein -- Time Thief!
From Writer’s Bloc Online (National Writers Union, D.C. Local)
Washington Post item
National Association of Science Writers reports protests
From ScienceWriters

23. “Thoughts from an undisciplined mind” (interview), by Sean Kelly, Canadian Undergraduate Physics Journal, volume IV, issue 2, January 2006, page 19.

Subject to arbitration proceeding