Minds: A Critical Look at Salaried Professionals
and the Soul-Battering System that Shapes their Lives
(Rowman & Littlefield, 2000) by Jeff Schmidt
Nature, Society,
and Thought
volume 13, number 3, pages 393-398
ISSN 0890-6130
How the ruling class exercises ideological controlJohn
Pappademos Department of Physics University of Illinois at Chicago Marx
and Engels observed long ago in The German Ideology that the ruling
ideas of any epoch are those of the ruling class. This ideological control,
exercised for centuries over the working class through control of the media,
government, and other institutions, has never been absolute. It can be
argued, however, that today its effectiveness is greater than ever, in large
part because the monopolization of the media is much greater than ever. To
counter this, there has always been (as Marx showed) and still is a struggle
by the working class in behalf of its own interests. A major problem today,
however, is the lack of unity in this struggle, a lack fostered and nurtured
very effectively by the ruling class. A major ruling-class
weapon in keeping up this division is the separation between workers of the
mind and workers of the hand. Although this distinction is never hard and
fast (no work is purely of the mind or purely by the hand), one way to characterize
it is by the distinction between “professional” and “nonprofessional”
workers. The ruling class relies on its professional workers for creative
ideological work; this group educates and works to shape the opinions of a
much larger sector of the working class. This group of
“professionals” is not at all negligible in size. In the United States, for
example, it numbers some twenty-one million and is the fastest growing sector
of the working class.1
One of the various ways to define what is meant by the term “professional” is
by level of educational attainment, so that one can include doctors,
educators, engineers, scientists, lawyers, writers -- in short, anyone with a
professional degree. The data on levels of educational attainment in the
United States parallel the occupational data.2 It is inevitable in this
age of ever-increasing monopolization that many professionals themselves
become proletarianized. Of every nine professionals today, only one is a free
practitioner; the rest are salaried employees (Schmidt 2000, page 18). So the
ideological control of the ruling class over the ranks of the professionals,
while always of great importance to the ruling class, is of even more
importance today. A new book by Jeff
Schmidt, Disciplined Minds, attempts a detailed look at just how this
is accomplished. The usual means of ruling-class influence on the opinions of
professionals and nonprofessionals alike is through control of the government
and media. Beyond this, the ruling class has ideological control over the
workplace and the extensive training of professionals; this control is the
primary focus of the book (although this emphasis is not explicitly stated).
Schmidt describes the professional programs and graduate schools of the
universities as a system of “turning politically independent thinkers into
politically subordinate clones” (4). If one considers the
beginning of a student’s road to becoming a professional, the act of gaining
admission to college or university, then it is clear that admission criteria
are not neutral. Such criteria necessarily favor either the interests of the
ruling class or those of the multiracial, male/female working class. Schmidt
does discuss the question of whose interests are served by selection criteria
(105-112). Here, he discusses affirmative-action programs in a positive
manner, arguing that they are necessary to overcome bias against
working-class, female, and minority applicants. He is on less sound ground when
he tackles the
question of standardized tests, such as the ACT and SAT, used in the
selection process. His position is that use of these tests should be
abolished because they are a useful predictor of success in college.
Colleges themselves, he argues, are biased, favoring with success persons
having “white, middle-class, male-gendered attitudes and values” (182). Many
criticisms of the SAT and ACT tests can be mounted, but Schmidt’s criticism
is hardly likely to advance the struggle for a more democratic selection process. Further weeding-out and
changing of ideological thinking occur as students progress through graduate
school. This is done, according to Schmidt, primarily at the level of
qualifying examinations. He uses as an example the qualifying exam in physics
(Schmidt is himself a product of that process, having obtained a Ph.D. in
physics from the University of California). Physics is a good example because
it is a field supposedly free of political bias. In the typical physics
qualifying examination, which he studies in considerable detail, there is an
“emphasis on quick recall, memorized tricks, work on problem fragments, work
under time pressure, endurance, quantitative results, comfort with
confinement to details, and comfort with a particular social framework. The
exam de-emphasizes physical insight, qualitative discussion, exploration,
curiosity, creativity, history, philosophy, and so on. This forces the
student who wants to be passed to adopt an industrial view of the subject, to
view it as an instrument of production, to use it in an alienated way” (136).
This helps ensure that “students who are willing and able to conform to the
faculty’s attitudes and values, which usually favor the status quo over
social change, are less likely than others to get cooled out of professional
training” (201). Later, in the workplace
(whether it be industry, government, or academe), the so-indoctrinated
professional will continue his or her subordination by adopting
“professional” behavior, namely, “the notion that experts should confine
themselves to their `legitimate professional concerns’ and not `politicize’
their work” (204).3
In conflicts with employers, the professional is more apt to place the blame
for these problems on management incompetence rather than on any fundamental
conflict of interest. This attitude renders the professional employee weak as
a force for his or her own defense, and impotent as a force for change in
society (209). Another aim of the book is
to establish clearly the political nature of professional work. For instance,
chapter 4 documents well how military and industrial concerns dominate “pure”
or “basic” research in the United States -- and by extension in the whole
world. Schmidt concludes with a
section entitled “Resistance,” in which he offers those beginning a
professional career advice on how to avoid the brainwashing of the
professional life. In a light-hearted style, Schmidt uses a U.S. Army manual
advising captured American soldiers on how to avoid successful brainwashing
by the “enemy,” adapting it to give analogous advice to U.S. graduate
students. Overall, the book is a
welcome addition to the libraries of Marxists and others seeking better
understanding of the specifics of the ways the ruling class exercises
ideological control. By knowing how the capitalist class divides
nonprofessionals from professional members of the working class, one is
better equipped to combat these divisions, and thus help to unite the whole
working class. Nevertheless, it is
necessary to point out several flaws in the book, some of which show the need
for a Marxist treatment of the subject. 1. Schmidt’s approach is
fundamentally anarchist, as illustrated when he remarks that “hierarchical
organizations are fundamentally flawed” (271). He constantly emphasizes the direction
and disciplining of scientists and professionals generally; this is
the major focus of the book, as the title implies. He is concerned far less
with the content of this direction, or whose interests it serves; his
understanding lacks class analysis. With all the mistakes it made that paved
the way for the downfall of socialism in the Soviet Union, that country was
still a state controlled by the working class. When Schmidt equates directed
research in the Soviet Union with directed research in the United States
(both, he feels, being equally reprehensible), he takes a classless approach
(211). 2. Speaking as a physicist
who has gone through training similar to Schmidt’s, I must say that much of
his criticism of this training is unconvincing. It does not seem to concern
him that this same system of training (quite similar in the former Soviet
Union and today’s United States) has led in the past three-quarters of a
century to space travel, and incredible advances in the theory of elementary
particles, condensed-matter physics, astrophysics, etc. Nowhere in his book
can one find any mention or appreciation of the accomplishments of modern
physics (or, for that matter, of medicine, astronomy, engineering, biology. .
. the list goes on and on). This is, of course, not to say that the system is
perfect, nor that some of his points are not well taken. His analysis remains
incomplete, however. 3. Although in one or two
places Schmidt (rather casually) expresses support for unions, it is remarkable
that in a book devoted to the ideology of professionals, not a word is said
about the phenomenal trend toward unionization of the professional segment of
the working class. Just a few indicators will show this. Since 1977, when the
Department of Professional Employees was created in the AFL-CIO, union
representation has fallen overall, but it has grown to 22 percent among the
professional occupations (AFL-CIO Executive Council Report, 1999). The AMA’s
June 1999 decision to openly embrace collective bargaining and a union-style
organization for doctors was of historic importance. Another historic event
was the forty-day strike of 20,000 Boeing Corporation engineers, which ended
in victory on 20 March 2000. Of course, the move toward unionization is in
itself not an act of class consciousness, but it is a first step. In a
typically leftist demonstration of desire to bypass steps on the road to
revolution, Schmidt faults professionals for not seeing their conflicts with
employers as part of a fundamental conflict between capital and labor (209). Disciplined Minds is a freewheeling,
thought-provoking examination of the way ideological control is exercised
over an increasingly important section of the working class -- the
professionals. It is too bad that it falls short of fulfilling that task with
complete adequacy. Notes 1. According to the website
of the Bureau of Labor Statistics (July 2000,
<www.bls.gov/webapps/legacy/cpsatab4.htm>), the broad category
“managerial and professional specialties” increased from 22.6 percent of the
work force in 1982 to 30.1 percent in 2000. All other occupational categories
showed a decreasing percentage in that same period. 2. The percent of the
population as a whole who have completed four years of college or more rose
from 17.7 percent in 1982 to 24.3 percent in 1998, according to the U.S.
Bureau of the Census
(<www.census.gov/population/socdemo/education/tablea-01.txt>). 3. It is interesting to
recall an incident in my own experience which shows how this “professional”
attitude can sometimes be used to protect an iconoclast in academe. As a
physics professor, I once offered a seminar on the Marxist philosophy of
physics. Conservatives in the physics department mounted an attack on my
right to teach such a seminar, trying to enlist the support of the
university’s philosophy department to criticize my credentials to teach such
a seminar. The philosophers’ reply was they could not vouchsafe an opinion on
the matter inasmuch as they had no one in the department who was an expert in
Marxist philosophy! |